Shay’s Rebellion and What We Can Learn from It
Posted by CR on Jan 30th 2023
“Thetree of libertymust be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Thomas Jefferson wrote this line in a letter to William Stephens Smith—the son-in-law of John Adams—during the Constitutional Convention of 1787. The convention itself was a reaction to an armed engagement against civilians during what is referred to as Shay’s Rebellion. At that time in history, the thirteen independent states that formed the new nation were loosely held together by articles set forth and ratified in 1781. In Massachusetts, like the rest of the young nation, war veterans were scraping by with meager livings. The debts owed to them for time served were were not yet rendered. In Boston, goods and services were often bought on credit or through barter. However, many business owners started to demand payment. Many farmers could not afford to repay the debt. As a result, their homes and property were foreclosed on and the farmers found themselves in front of a judge.
Under the Articles of Confederation, a common currency amongst states did not exist. Furthermore, gold and silver were in short supply. For the people of Massachusetts, the governor instilled higher taxes on his people compared to British rule. Eventually, the will of the people broke. The Farmers first fought through peaceable means, including listing grievances and potential solutions, much in the same manner the former colonists issued the Olive Branch Petition. Unfortunately, before a former resolution could be submitted, hundreds of farmers blockaded court houses to prevent judges from hearing debtors cases. When the local militia was called in to remove the crowds, they ignored orders and took up arms with the protestors. As forces mounted and tensions rose, gunfire erupted.
Shay’s rebellion is a story of how a people disheartened by their government and nation, of which many fought to create, took a stand. This rebellion is exactly what Thomas Jefferson is speaking of. “And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance,” stated the future president. “Let them take arms.” Jefferson believed the nature of resistance and rebellion is good for a nation. Rulers grow lethargic to their populace. They forget their inherent power lies in the people, for which all power is derived from. The current government of the United States, as it stands, is slowly eroding the power of the people. Recently, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE or ATF), issued a ruling that amended the ATF’s definition on pistol braces. As the new ruling sits, ALL of the 10-40 million stabilizing braces in circulation will be considered “short-barreled rifles” and must be conformed and registered under National Firearm Act standards within 120 days of posting on the Federal Registrar—which is projected to be the end of January 2023.
Any erosion of rights is a direct infringement on the constitution. Jefferson’s final line in his letter warns of this, “Our Convention has been too much impressed by the insurrection of Massachusetts: and in the spur of the moment, they are setting up a kite to keep the hen yard in order. I hope in God this article will be rectified before the new constitution is accepted.” The constitution, the most sacred document in our nation’s history, was created out of response and threat. The constitution, once seen as a form of idyllic and carefully crafted document to preserve the rights of the people, so that the government could better service its citizens, has become tattered. The current administration is doing the same. Out of response, pistol braces, which have repeatedly been upheld by the ATF as LEGAL and not falling under NFA guidelines, is the latest scapegoat. For those reading, we urge you to look at our nation’s past to understand the future. Books like 1984 speak to the stripping of a society’s ability to voice, to reason, and to defend as central in a government’s desire to control its population. For an even more real understanding, look at nations such as North Korea, Russia, China, and Cuba where basic human rights are ignored. Then look at our nation. Look at the similarities in the subduing of free speech and religion. It is all very real. But as a people, we must remember we have the power. The rebellious farmers chose not to be subdued by government that was failing them, if they didn’t, then what if? Because what if we stopped listening to those that are trying to rule us? What if none of the 10 to 40 million braces are registered? What if?
We at Sportsman’s Fulfillment, urge you to protest the latest ATF ruling. All of us together can fight this. Contact your local congressmen, senators, your local sheriff or police, and above all, support those fighting. Organizations like FRAC, Gun Owners of America, and the Firearms Policy Coalition are out there on the front lines, challenging the government to stop infringing on the rights of its citizens. Remember and heed the words of Thomas Jefferson and look to our nation’s past to better understand the future to come.
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